Troop 82  Fairfield, CT
Boy Scouts of America



                Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 82!

Troop 82 has been an active Boy Scout Troop since the 1920's at The First Church Congregational in Fairfield, Connecticut. We are a very proud Troop, especially proud of the more than 45 boys who have attained the highest rank in Scouting, THE EAGLE SCOUT. The program is for Scouts and is as successful and rewarding as each of us makes it. Troop 82 exists to serve boys by instilling values, preparing them to make ethical choices over their lifetime and to enable to achieve their full potential.

The following material has been written to assist new Scouts and their families in learning some of the rules and procedures that have helped our Troop remain successful and enhance each Scouts enjoyment of the program. Please take the time to fully understand what scouting is all about. Scouting is FUN--outdoor Fun--Indoor Fun--Quiet Fun—-Noisy Fun! We also learn while having fun. We learn to be better American Citizens, to develop the mental and physical skills we need for growth, and to follow a set of Scouting principles which build character and nurture personal values. In other words, the purpose of Scouting is, to develop mature and responsible young citizens through a program of fun and personal advancement.

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Once you decide to join the Troop, you will be given a registration form to fill out with your parent's assistance and our help, if necessary. You will be officially registered upon return of the form along with the proper fee. If you are transferring from a Pack or Troop the fee is $1.00. If you are not currently a registered Scout, the fee is $2.00 per month for the rest of the calendar year. (Check payable to Troop 82 or cash). This fee covers registration, Boys Life Magazine, activities, awards and Troop equipment. Your annual dues thereafter are $30.00 for the calendar year and will be collected in October.

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Troop 82 is an active year-round program. We meet every Thursday evening beginning at 7:30 P.M. in Kosciolek Hall in the First Church Congregational. Meetings end at 9:00 P.M. There are a few weeks where there will be no meetings, school vacations and summer camp week to name a couple. Weeks with no meetings are announced in advance. Please be aware that you are expected to be on time for meetings in full uniform with your Scout Handbook. Any scout without a handbook will not be signed off for any advancements. If you do not have your uniform you will not be allowed to participate in a board of review, Scoutmaster conference, nor will you receive any badges or advancements. PLEASE BE PREPARED! You should attend meetings regularly because it is a primary means of knowing what the Troop is doing. If you cannot make a meeting please contact your Patrol Leader with any questions about that evening.

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The Troop operates on a Patrol system. Each Patrol is comprised of approximately 6-8 Scouts and two adult leaders. Each scout is assigned to a Patrol. Patrols are encouraged to operate as independent units for some of their activities, such as camping trips. Patrol meetings, in addition to regular meetings, are encouraged and recommended. Each Patrol will elect a Patrol Leader which is a six month position. The Patrol Leader then chooses his assistant Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader is responsible for attending all Greenbar meetings which are announced ahead by the Scoutmaster, usually once a month. If the Patrol Leader cannot make the meeting he needs to let the Assistant know so he can be present. He then needs to report back to the patrol with the details that were discussed.

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Since the Scout Advancement Program is an integral part of the learning experience, each Scout is encouraged and expected to set certain attainable goals. All Scouts are required to fulfill the requirements to progress to their next Scout rank in a reasonable time. Scouts planning to pursue merit badges are required to seek out Merit Badge Counselors. Merit Badge'Counselors area adults that have a knowledge of the area they have signed up for. The Troop maintains a list of counselors that,are available, both wfthin our Troop and outside our Troop. The parents responsibility is to help us ENCOURAGE their son to achieve the next rank. The Scout should contact these counselors and make arrangements with them to get the badge requirements completed along with a buddy.

We would like to keep out Merit Badge Counselor List within the Troop up to date. If your hobbies or employment fall under one of the merit badge titles, please let our advancement chairperson know and they will give you the necessary information needed to become a Merit Badge Counselor.

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We ask that parents work with their sons on their rank advancement from the time, they join through the rank of First Class. The requirements for these ranks are outlined in the Boy Scout Handbook and it would be helpful if parents read through these and test their sons on what they know. Please feel free to initial any requirement that you worked on with them once they understand it.

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bulletThe actual badge, patch, etc. will be given to the Scout at the earliest possible Troop meeting following the fulfillment of the requirements.
bulletA formal recognition and advancement card will be awarded for each achievement earned at the next Troop meeting provided THE SCOUT IS IN PROPER UNIFORM.
bulletThe Troop does reserve the right to withhold any advancement if the Scout is not in uniform.
bulletScouts are required to keep track of any documentation (blue merit badge cards and rank cards) issued to them from the Advancement Chairperson.
bulletScouts are reminded that notification must be given to the Advancement Chairperson for all achievements to be recorded and awarded.

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As boys develop into adults we feel it is essential that they assume certain responsibilities of listening to announcements to insure that they are aware of upcoming activities and other pertinent information. At each Troop meeting various announcements are made pertaining to updated information that may be additions or changes from previously made plans. In addition to being announced a semi-monthly announcement sheet is handed to each Scout. It a Scout is unable to attend a regular Troop meeting, he is responsible for contacting his Patrol Leader or another Patrol member to obtain any information from that meeting.

Communications outside of a regular meeting will be passed by telephone through the Senior Patrol Leader to each Patrol Leader and subsequently to each member. If a Scout has questions about meetings or an outing, he should first consult his announcement sheet and then his Patrol Leader.

If you find you are not receiving required information, first discuss it with your Scout and then contact an adult leader or Committee Member so any problem can be corrected.

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Troop activities are planned by Scouts, particularly the Scouts in Leadership positions in coordination with the Scoutmaster at the Greenbar meetings. Camping, backpacking, hiking, service projects and other outdoor activities are an important part of our program. We go camping at least 12 times a year as a Troop. We also do a week long Summer Camp at Camp Sequassen in Winsted, CT. and participate in the District Weekend Camporees held at a camp here in CT. The cost for all trips vary but an average cost is $10-$15 for a weekend. This cost will cover the camp fee, food for the trip and any supplies incurred by the Troop (fuel for Cooking, lighting etc .... ). The Scouts as a Patrol will plan their menu for the weekend. One Scout within the Patrol will be assigned to go shopping for the food. The Troop will repay the individual for the expense. Expense forms are to be filled out with the receipt attached and handed in to the Treasurer. This Form is available in Kosciolek Hall. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THE EXPENSE FOR FOOD SHOULD BE $10.00 PER SCOUT IN THE PATROL. IF A PATROL GOES OVER THIS AMOUNT THE PATROL MUST COLLECT THE MONEY FROM WITHIN ITSELF TO COVER THE EXTRA COST AND TURNED IN TO THE TREASURER. Always check with the Quartermaster to see what is available already from the Troop (ie. Pancake syrup, pancake mix, salt, pepper, hot chocolate etc..). For those Scouts that cancel after the food has been purchased, the Scout is obligated to pay for his food. The early knowledge of which Scouts will be participating in an activity greatly helps in the planning stages. Scouts who sign up for an event and later are unable to attend must notify one of the Scoutmasters PRIOR to the event.

All programs are based on Scout and parent input. If you would like to see something new please bring it up to the Committee or at the Greenbar meeting.

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bulletUNIFORM-- All Scouts are required to wear a uniform to all Scouting activities unless otherwise noted. The uniform includes the official BSA shirt, neckerchief, slide, bell, trousers and proper insignia on the shirt as shown in Appendix #l of this guide. Class A uniform is required for all Troop meetings. Please see Appendix #2 for points of purchase for the Scout Uniform.


bulletCAMPING- All gear and clothing are listed in Appendix #3 of this guide.

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General Court of Honors are held twice a year. usually in December and June. At this function we take time to recognize the advancements of our Scouts as a whole with their families. This is a more formal type of meeting and parents and families are expected to attend in support of their son. Everyone is asked to bring some kind of finger snack to this event. (ie. cookies, brownies, fruit, veggies and dip). All Scouts are expected to wear Class A uniform to Court of Honors.

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When the Troop collects money we ask that all money be turned in via our "Money Collection Envelope". These envelopes are provided by the Troop in Kosciolek Hall. Cash is accepted and all checks should be made out to Troop 82. It is important that you fill out all information on the front of the envelope. We sometimes are collecting for several activities at the same time. Our scouts have reached the age where they should have enough responsibility to fill out a money envelope. They know what outings and events they want to attend and should sign up for them. This would greatly help eliminate the confusion that Scouts may have as to whether or not they have signed up for an outing. Manv times a Scout will think his parent has signed him up, so they don't. The scouts are always reminded at Troop meetings about events, parents are not. Parents please encourage the Scouts to take this responsibility to do this themselves.

Scouts please let your parents know that you have taken care of it and just let them fill out the permission slip.

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Permission slips must be turned in prior to participation in each activity. These slips must be signed by a parent or guardian and will be collected with the money envelope. These slips authorize the adult leader in charge to seek medical assistance should a Scout incur an accident or become ill. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, parents may be notified.

Also there is a section for parents to indicate if a Scout is currently on any medications. All medications must be handed in to the adult leader of the event in the original container with the proper instructions. Any permission slip signed by anyone other than a parent or guardian will not be accepted.

There is an area on the permission slip for the parent to indicate if they will be available for transportation to or from the event and whether or not they will participate in the activity. Parents are encouraged to take part in several of these monthly events yearly. The transportation coordinator will be in contact with you as to whether or not you will be needed.

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It is recognized that a parent’s interest in scouting varies, for many reasons. The benefits that the Scout receives are directly proportionate to both the QUALITY and QUANTITY of parental support and participation. Please keep this in mind when your help is requested. In addition, encourage and assist your boy in obtaining the most out of Scouting. He needs your support!

Any suggestions or questions that parents may have are more than welcome. Present them to any committee member or call any of the adult leaders. All parents are welcome to become Committee Members or attend committee meetings. Our Troop committee adds the resources to make the Troop activities happen. This is where parents get involved. A Troop runs on volunteers who provide transportation, supervision and assistance on campouts and other activities. Although we are fortunate t have many adults who already assist in Troop activities, parents are invited to volunteer their services in any manner, small or large. These activities include work on merit badges, advancement requirements, Court of Honors for recognition, leadership functions and special activities, community service projects, camping, hikes, and transportation.

In order to insure a successful program, parents will be required to occasionally participate in an outing and/or provide transportation. Parents are expected to help with transportation at least a couple of times a year. If adequate transportation cannot be arranged for an event some Scouts may not be able to attend.

Periodically, Troop parent's meetings are held to solicit suggestion, comments and ideas on how to enhance the program. Troop financial information, as well as future Troop plans, are normally available at these meetings. PLEASE BE THERE ----- the Troop needs the support and input from all its Scout's parents.

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Our Troop desires that all boys be able to participate in the Scouting program regardless of their personal financial situation. All Scouts are required to participate in two major fundraisers in order to insure that the financial requirements of the Troop are met. The Troop financial records are always available for review by interested parents.

bulletChristmas Tree and Wreath Sale

This is our major fundraiser. In mid November you will Be contacted and scheduled to "Work" the available shifts. All scouts need to make every effort to be there in order for this event to be successful,

bulletCar Wash

This is another fundraising event where participation is a must. Scouts need to be available to wash cars for some time this day. You also need to spread the word since we do not do any major advertising for this event.

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The Troop 82 committee is made up of all adult members and parents. Committee meetings take place on the Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 P.M. at Kosciolek Hall. All parents are encouraged to participate. Everyone's thoughts and suggestions to make this a better program are always welcome.



Although we have organized games or competitions at our meetings and activities for Your, fun and enjoyment, there are times when we must be serious. Usually these are times to learn about new skills or to obtain information about the next Troop activity. Scouts are expected live up to the rules established by the Boy Scouts of America, the Troop, and the leaders. Horseplay will not be tolerated under any circumstances, because it could lead to someone getting hurt. In the event any Scout does not follow these rules or threatens the health or safety of any of it's members, he will be brought before the Discipline Leadership Group. We will at all times respect our meeting facilities and protect the church property. Please be aware of the following special rules:

bulletNO tree or fence climbing without specific leader permission.
bulletNO participation in waterfront activities without proper adult supervsion.
bulletNO throwing of any objects except as part of an organized activity.
bulletNO use of cutting tools (ax, knife,etc.) or matches without successful completion of Totin Chip Training.
bulletNO food in tents.
bulletNO flame in tents.

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  1. The Senior or Assistant Patrol Leader or both will give the offending Scout a verbal warning.
  2. For the second violation of the same offense either a second verbal warning will be given or the offending Scout will be brought before the leadership group with an adult leader to discuss the conduct and the consequences. The seriousness of the offense will determine whether a second verbal warning will be given.
  3. If the Scout again commits the offense, he will be given a detention durinq the meeting.
  4. The next incident will result in a suspension from the activity.
  5. If the behavior persists after the detention the offending Scout and his parent will be called before the leadership group to discuss the conduct.
  6. next offense will result in the Scout being suspended from the meetings and activities for a time to be decided and will have a delay of one month for the next rank.
  7. Finally the Scout will be asked to write "I will not do..." 500 times.
  8. The Scout will be asked to leave the Troop.

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                                               Appendix #1 - Insignia Placement

(to be completed)



Liberty Army & Navy     1439 Post Poad East       Westport, CT 06880


Jimmy's Army & Navy    4200 Main Street      Bridgeport, CT 06606



Boy Scouts of America    Fairfield County Council

362 Main Avenu

Norwalk, CT


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Waterproof Boots, Boxers/Underwear

Sleeping Bag Long Underwear

Utensil Kit,( knife, spoon, fork) Pants

Hot/Cold CUP Sweat Pants

Mess Kit (Plate, Bowl, Cup) T-shifts

Long Sleeve Shirts Soap

Wind Breaker Coat

Shampoo Hat

Unscented Deodorant Mouthwash

Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Floss Comb

Bug Repellent (Cufter,Aloe,Pump Spray)

Sunscreen Paper, Pencil

Chapstick Toilet Paper

Wash Towel & Wash Cloth in Ziplock

Rain Gear/ Poncho FlashlighV Batteries

Pocket Knife (BSA) Whistle

Compass Book to Read

Uniform Handbook

Bathing Suit (summer) Totin'Chip

Merit Badge Materials,



Hand Warmers Sleeping Cap

Fleece Sweater/Hooded Sweatshirt Mittens or Gloves


Summer Camp

Mosquito Netting



Trail Food

Framed Pack (internal/External) First Aid Kit

Trail Food Survival Kit

Beef Jerky Extra Socks

Mesh Bag Mole skin

Water Bottle Pack Cover




Camera Prayer Book Handkerchie

Gear Playing Cards

Bandanas Mirror

Sunglasses Fishing

Binoculars Watch



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Troop 82 Eagle Scout Honor Roll


Edward Pratt  1928      Brad Roger   1978

Charles Pratt  1929     David Corkum     1980

Leslie Smith  1931     Edwin Buddenhagen1981

Allen Otis  1936     Brad Eddy     1984

Gordon Otis  1936     Brian Kaufman    1987

John Storrs  1936     Stephen Kosciolek1990

Stephen Page  1937     William Wargo    1992

Robert Calvin  1939     David Zack    1992

Ernest Wiehl  1939     Adam Rinehart    1993

William Wiehl  1943     Christopher Grant1994

Joseph Overstreet 1952     Steven Zack    1994

David Wahlquist  1952     Charles File    1994

David Thomas  1952     Brett Crossland  1995

Carl Benson  1952     Nick Garamella   1996

Henry Hawkes  1954 Christopher Sargent Dematteo 1996

Robert Edmonds  1957     Scott Jahnke    1997

Kurt Boulton  1966

Allen Appleton  1967

Herb Appleton  1967

Allen Butcher  1967

Mark Smith  1968

Darryl Sargent  1968

Paul Wetterhorn  1969

Scott Vereb  1969

Roy Doar  1969

Marcus Wetterhorn 1971

Mark Cross  1972

Joseph Sladek  1976

David Adams  1977

Chris Woods  1978


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